Digital Kingdom

Digital Kingdom

Transformons votre histoire en jeu vidéo Digital Kingdom fait vivre des expériences digitales efficaces en empruntant les mécaniques du jeu vidéo. Notre mission est de fournir à nos clients les clés pour faire passer leur message de manière pertinente et immersive,...


See real 3D in Virtual Reality CREAL3D makes the future “screen” of Virtual and Mixed Reality – glasses which are able to create truly three-dimensional virtual images in front of your eyes, enhancing immersion, eliminating eye-strain, and allowing...


new generation museum experience We are revolutionizing the museum guides industry by bringing the excitement of an escape room to it.In practice? We built an interactive application where visitors are guided by different characters though an adventure, making them...


A practical resource for performing and writing contemporary music for cello Cellists and Composers: search for cello harmonics and multiphonics. Play video and audio examples. Findnotations. Are you a cellist or composer who is asking:WHERE do I put my finger, and on...
Pro Helvetia

Pro Helvetia

Contacts Pour le Pour les médias La Fondation suisse pour la culture Pro Helvetia soutient et encourage la culture suisse en Suisse et dans le monde Tant pour le design que pour les médias interactifs,...