INT Studio

INT Studio

Instant Evaluation of Art Authenticity We advise clients on ways of using new technologies to improve their communication strategy. We phand-pick the right tools that suit the client’s identity and objectives. Thanks to our high-quality content and installations, we...


The world of art is just an App away The way how people view and buy art is changing as a new generation of buyers matures. At iazzu, we believe art galleries are the creative heart of a city’s cultural life but we also believe that the trend is mobile. iazzu has...
Digital Kingdom

Digital Kingdom

Transformons votre histoire en jeu vidéo Digital Kingdom fait vivre des expériences digitales efficaces en empruntant les mécaniques du jeu vidéo. Notre mission est de fournir à nos clients les clés pour faire passer leur message de manière pertinente et immersive,...


See real 3D in Virtual Reality CREAL3D makes the future “screen” of Virtual and Mixed Reality – glasses which are able to create truly three-dimensional virtual images in front of your eyes, enhancing immersion, eliminating eye-strain, and allowing...
Plateforme 10

Plateforme 10

un nouveau quartier des arts ! Symbole du nouveau «quartier des arts» lausannois, PLATEFORME 10 regroupe le Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, le Musée de l’Elysée et le mudac, soit la réunion des Beaux-arts, de la photographie et du design. PLATEFORME 10 va toutefois...